

Stephen steps out of his classroom carefully and looked in the direction where the hideous looking guys stood before he went into the classroom. He sighed in relief when he aw that they were gone. He walked briskly towards his hostel hoping that none of those guys where hanging around.

His heart was beating frantically when he arrived at his doorstep for he half walked half ran on his way. The adrenaline in good system didn't let him notice that the door is ajar and wasn't locked. He stepped into the room to encounter the guys who had missed him in the morning hanging around in his room.

A fair lankey guy with a scar on his face sat on the bed smoking a cigarette. He had a tatoo of a snake constricting a crucifix on his arm. The look on the guys face sent tremors through Stephen's spine. His instict told his to RUN FOR HIS LIFE but his legs felt heavier than lead. He was rooted to the spot.

The guy on the bed, obviously their leader, stood up and moved closer to Stephen. He looked him up while walking around him, like a predator looking at his prey.

"So na you dey follow my bae?" (So you are the one going after my girl") He said in a voice so deep that it felt like the rumble of thunder.
"No, its not so sir" Stephen said in a stutter and immediately regret uttering a word as blows began pouring on him from all direction amid comments like " so you mean our capo dey lie", "You even get gut to reply".
The pain was too much for Stephen as he lay on the floor but that didn't deter them from continuous kicking any part of his body that was unfortunate to connect to their boots.
After five minutes of unleashing their wrath on him, the Capo told them to stop and crouched beside him.
"The next time i see you near Halimat, consider yourself dead" He said to him in a voice barely above a whisper but with a edge that indicate that he meant every word. He stepped out of the room and was followed by him boys leaving Stephen on the floor to writhe in excruciating pain.


Halimat left her room, dressed in a pink tank top and a pencil jean trousers. She headed for big mama apartment, her mind went to her parents especially her dad. She knew he would flip should he see her in her present outfit but her mother wouldn't care.
When she got the door,she knocked but got no response. She turned the knob and was attacked by loud blasting music as the door opened. On stepping in, she was drowned in a mist of cigarette smoke and the smell ravaged her nostrils. She looked around and saw girls of different shapes and sizes dancing and smoking, some of which were barely her own age. She concluded that coming here was a bad idea and turned towards the doir when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"No tell me say you don dey go be that." (Don't tell me you are leaving already). She spun to see the lady who had come to her room earlier.
" I'm sorry, I was overwhelmed" Halimat replied.
" Oya, follow me" The lady said as she head for one of the numerous doors in the room.
The door opened to a lavishly furnished room with a queen size bed, the rug beneath her feet felt soft and beautiful. She knew a lot of money goes into getting it.
Sprawled on the bed is big mama. Halimat had seen her only once since she moved to the apartment but her face was an unforgettable on. She was an epitome of beauty and her flawless skin was glittering. The gown she wore hugged her slender figure and accentuate all her curves. She was busy typing on her phone when Halimat got in. Once she was through, she looked up at her and smile.
" Oh! You are here, go sit on the sofa " She said with a voice that has an accent like an asian while pointing to the couch obscured by the open door.
Halimat froze in her path add she set her eyes on the person on the sofa. Her heart started beating frantically as if protesting for being imprisoned in her body.
"Why do I have to see him of all people? " was the question morphed into her mind.

Who could scare Halimat that much?
What Did Big Mama want from her?
Will Stephen survive his attack?

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