The Soda Pop



Sandra felt its about time for her to resume back to work, having hurriedly requestd for a two weeks leave.
"I've been down enough, time to move on and go ahead with my career."
She dress in her pinstripe suit, applied her light make-upof lip gloss and powder,pulled her hair into a ponytail. She looked herself up in the mirror, pleased with her image, she steps out to the waitng cab.
The ride to her office is a short one. When she descend, she looked at the four storey building proudly. She had just been promoted before the tragic incident occurs. She heads for her new office and was welcomed by her secretary.
"Welcome Ma, I am instructed to deliver this to you the moment you arrive." She said handing Sandra a bouqet of flower with a paper attached to it. It saw the type as the one she recieved at the beach few weeks back.
She flipped th paper and scibbled behind it is
A frightened Halimat was half running half walking as she head for her hostel. She just left the library and was taking the path she always take whenever she come to the library.
Today was different because she was alone as Stephen who is are usual companion is around. He had been the reason she cultivated the habit of visiting the library because thats the only way they can see each other.
Stephen didn't show up today and Halimat had waited for him till the library closed.
"what could be wrong with him? is he sick? he never missed a library session before"
Halimat was pulled out of her daydream by the clinging sound of metal.
She looked up to see that she was surrounded by five horrid looking guys. They all held weapons ranging from an axe to matchets and they all tied red bandana to their arm.
She looked at them fearfully and chill ran down her spine. she didn't recognize any of them and she new she is in a quagmire. Her fear peaked when she saw the person that led them. She pointed a shivering finger at him.
" are behind this?" She said in a shaky voice.
Who could the leader be? share your thought !!!
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