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James Peters was tapping his foot as he sat in the first class compartment of the plane. He couldn't wait to see his wife and kid, -hold on - make that kids, his wife gave birth to a pair of twins.
He had received a call from Dr Michael, who delivered the good news to him. He left his hotel immediately only picking a few of his items, he rushed down to the airport and was lucky to get a ticket in time.
James ordered champagne from the approaching hostess and recline his seat to relax as he enjoy his drinks and look as the clouds fly by through the window.
A few minutes later the pilot announced from the cockpit that they are about to ride into a heavy storm so everybody should fasten their seat belt
James slept through the rest of the flight and only woke up when the pilot welcome them to Nigeria. He sped to his car that he had left at the airport before travelling.
He revs his car and hit the asphalt as he race to see his wife.
James got held up in a traffic jam and decides to take another route. He turn his car around and was about to negotiate around a truck when a pick up van appears out of the blue and hit him sending his car into a sommersault. James could not see anything as everything becomes hazy. The only thing on his mind at that moment his if he his ever going to see his wife and kids again.

James opened his eyes to the white ceiling that spread before him. He was wondering where he was, when the smell of sterilizer and drug him hit. He swung his head in the direction of an opening door to see a man in his mid thirties wearing a lab overall and two nurses are following him.
He went around checking on others patients in the room before arriving at James bed.
"I'm glad you are awake, Mr Peters. You are quite a fighter for surviving such a fatal accident."
"Tell me if you feel anything" he said as he press his index finger to James heel. James shook his head, no. He moved to his calf, pressed it and got the same replied. His knee, thigh and waist yielded the same result. He only felt Dr Earnest's hand when he touched his lower abdomen, and he saw the doctor shook his head. He scribbled on a notepad a nurse was holding.
"What's wrong with me, doctor?" James asked in a croaky voice.
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